About numis® med Product Ranges

Product Ranges

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UREA Bodymilk, UREA Hand Cream, pH 5.5 Wash Lotion and pH5.5 Body Lotion

Our product ranges

Which numis® med range is right one for me and the needs of my skin? Learn more about the differences between our ranges. What makes them special and why do they fit best to a specific skin type or skin problem.
Series UREA Bodymilk and UREA Hand Cream


The effective, moisturising products of the numis® med UREA range are ideal for extremely dry skin prone to itching and tightness.

pH 5.5

The ph-balanced, very gentle products of the numis® med pH 5.5 range are especially suitable for very sensitive skin.
pH5.5 Wash Lotion and pH5.5 Body Lotion