Keratosis Pilares – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Keratosis Pilaris, Lichen Pilaris or Follicular Keratosis, colloquially known as chicken skin, has many names. But what exactly is the cause of this skin condition and We reveal what symptoms are and how to care for and treat rubbing iron skin.
Do I have atopic eczema? Background, signs and symptoms of atopic eczema

The skin disease atopic ekzema affects 15-20% of children and 5-10% of adults in Europe. In the following article you will learn more about signs, symptoms and treatment options for atopic ekzema.
Dry ellbows – what helps

In the following article you will learn more about the causes of dry elbows and how you can best prevent them. Causes can include hormones, lifestyle, dry air and clothing material.
Lime water and the skin

Limy water can lead to dry skin and skin diseases. Learn more about the influence of water hardness on our skin here.
Skin problems due to the mouth-nose protection: dry skin under the mask

Due to the everyday wearing of a protective mask, our facial skin faces great challenges. As a result, irritation, impurities and dry patches can occur on the face, especially in sensitive skin. But even normal skin often shows irritations and skin irritations due to the increased use of a mouthguard, which can eventually lead to dry skin under the mask.
The right facial care for 30+

Learn how your skin changes from 30 and how you can delay the natural aging process by means of optimal facial care.
Dry skin on the face

Feeling good in our own skin – that’s what we all want. However, when the skin on your face is taut and itchy, it’s not that easy. To change this, we reveal the causes of dryness on the face and simple care tips with which you can rebuild the skin’s protective barrier.
Dry skin on the legs – helpful skincare tips

Dryness on the legs, rough knees or scaly shins are not only unpleasant, but also indicate that the skin in these areas lacks moisture and care. But what exactly is the cause of rough and dry skin on the legs and what can you do to restore enough moisture to the dried-out skin? Learn tips and tricks on how to avoid dry skin on your legs.
The skin microbiome – the living protective shield of your skin

The skin protects the body from external influences. But the skin itself also needs protection: the skin’s microbiome is responsible for this.
Top 3 tips against dry skin in winter

You have also noticed that your facial skin is drier than usual in winter? Or do your hands tend to be chapped during the winter months? Fortunately, there is not only a very simple explanation for this, but also three simple tips that you can use to combat dry skin in winter.
What to do with cracks on the heels?

Struggling with dryness and cracking on your heels? Here you can learn more about the prevention and treatment of chapped or dry feet.